The Winners of the First and Only Puck the Media NHL Tournament of Announcers are Bob Miller and Mike Emrick

Folks, we’ve been having a bit of an inner monologue about what to do with this tournament.  Frankly, we’re displeased with ourselves and with the readership in how it ended.

I take some blame for the voting ridiculousness that has gone on, but I only linked to HF Boards team forums to attempt to stir up interest (and because I’m a regular visitor there).  Any other sites that got up the voting hundreds of times, I did not link to and will not name, just so they don’t get a plug out of it.

So, with this announcement we give you a solemn promise:  We will never, ever do this again.  Because of that, and because of how this voting swung so wildly, we have no qualms with naming Hockey Hall of Famers Bob Miller and Mike Emrick the Co-Champions of Puck the Media’s NHL Tournament of Announcers for 2008 and forever.

Thanks for reading, and we’re sorry again that this turned into an even bigger joke than intended.  We may do a live blog for Rangers-Penguins on Sunday if any of you’d like to get up that early, but that’s it.  Otherwise, we’ll see you Monday.  Have a good weekend, and again, thank you for supporting us.

4 Responses to The Winners of the First and Only Puck the Media NHL Tournament of Announcers are Bob Miller and Mike Emrick

  1. zorkon says:

    That sucks.

    But I suppose it’s the only way it could end.

    I considered doing a blogger tourney a la Iron Ref for a little while, but I never got around to it. I guess the moral is to figure out a poll that’s harder to break, or not do stuff like this.

    Jack Edwards will always be champion in my own little world. Damn you, [deleted], for ruining what was a good bit of fun!

  2. Tapeleg says:

    Wow. That was completely anticlimactic.

  3. reject says:

    Jack Edwards is the true winner.

  4. Hub Hockey says:

    Jack Edwards is the world champion of the universe…

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