NBC Reveals First Playoff Dates, Times

It is getting close to that time of year again, and that means we patiently await NBC telling us what timeslots they will fit their coverage of the Stanley Cup Playoffs into. The first of these such reveals came today, so here’s your opening weekend coverage:


1 p.m. – 4 p.m.

NHL on NBC (Conference Quarterfinal) (TBD)(live) Commentators: TBA

Site: TBA

*Available in High Definition



3 p.m. – 6 p.m.

NHL on NBC (Conference Quarterfinal) (TBD)(live)

Commentators: TBA

Site: TBA*

Available in High Definition


3 Responses to NBC Reveals First Playoff Dates, Times

  1. I wonder why they list commentators TBA? We all know it will be Doc, Edzo and someone (depending on if Pierre has TSN duties).

  2. E says:

    Here’s a question:
    What happens if the Sunday game (3pm start) goes in to triple overtime, and bleeds in to NBC’s prime time schedule.
    Does NBC
    A. Show the game until it is completed.
    B. Move the coverage to Versus once prime time begins?

    I think they may move it to Versus.

  3. nosferatu says:

    I wonder if, with Comcast now involved, the network will exert more force upon affiliates who constantly air other things to pre-empt NHL playoff games. In Northeast Ohio, we’ll once again be dealing with Sunday Indians baseball games. On April 17, the baseball game starts at 1, so we might be lucky, in this case, and get one or two periods of playoff hockey that day.

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